Many idevice users including iphone users are frustrated because sara crashes. Nobita recently released the newest version of his software but as he told me he is alone on this project and he cannot test the software on every device.
I updated sara from Nobitas repo on cydia but even if i say hi the software crashes.
Due to this problematic software i decided to use some alternative software. Spire that ports siri to the iphone 4 device is a great way and legal way to have siri to your iDevice. You just need a trusty server that does all the dirty work. BUT some apps fail to start after spire is installed. Although spire problem i believe that spire is the best thing if you want siri working on other than iphone 4s. Nobita did a great work but his releases are not trustworthy as he is unable to test on all devices. At least when spire is installed you get the legal port with all the api's; only a good server that coverts natural language to something that siri understands.

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